Friday, December 9, 2011


hollaaa everybody! huahahahha! udah lama saya ga ngoceh disini ._. hoho. hmmm ngomong ngomong saya sudah keluar from that hell hole! fuuu yeaah.. akhirnya setelah berjuang lebih dr seminggu UAS 1 selesai jugaa... bisa santaii :D walaupun ga yakin juga dapet bagus apa ga ulangannya ._. tp of course thank you so much my Daddy J!!! for made me strong.. hehehe. hari ini pengen ngepost banyak foto niih..
check this out!!

hahaha! bukannya belajar malah gambar-gambar.. yup! this is Dick Greyson and Jason Todd! fav.Robins!!! yeeey! gw sukaaa banget sama tokoh robin di serial Batman.. Dick itu kereen.. dia keren karena dia jd Nightwing! Jason juga kereeen banget! tapi sayang.. dia akhirnya jadi jahat (Red Hood) gara gara mau bales dendam apa gimana gitu. jadi, dia itu ditangkep sama Joker, naah si Batman telat nyelamatin dia.. jd nya gudang yg ada Jasonnya meledak.. semua orang nganggep dia udah mati, tapi dia keluar lagi dr kuburannya.. dia marah sama Batman, dia emang terima kalo Batman ga nyelamatin dia.. tp yang dia kecewa tuh Batman ga melakukan apapun buat Joker karena udh ngebunuh Jason! keren deh pokoknya.. sedih juga.. kalo mau tau kelanjutannya baca aja komiknya ato nonton filmnya. judulnya Batman-Under The Red Hood. highly recommended. hehehe. 

hari ini gw sama ci Erine sama koko bikin lasagna!! hahaha! enaaaaaaaaak loooooooh. koko lagi pulang ke Bekasii.. jadi enak deeh. saya makan banyak bangeet! :O yuuuum~

Oh ya. tadiii pas gw lagi browsing gw nemu cosplayer kereeen banget! kostum Robinnya luar bisaa :O sampe sayap nya dibuat dengan maniiiiis. ini sumpah niat banget plus keren abis. two thumbs up for Tim Drake cosplayer!! love it love it love it :3

Hmm.. kmaren gw juga minjem ka Adrian 2 komik superhero. yang 1 DC Versus Marvel sama Batman HUSH. dua duanya bagus. tapi gw sih lebih suka yang Batman. lebih menarik ceritanya. sayang ka ajul cuma punya yang volume one. padahal yang hush ada lanjutannya. dan sampe sekarang belom dibalikin ._______. maap ya ka.....

hmmm mungkin udah dulu kali ya.. ehhehe udah banyak kok :P oke deeeh see ya later!

Much love : Michelle :*

Friday, October 21, 2011


HEY! i come back!! hahahaha! sorry, i've been really busy these days.. too many exams and another shi*. ehem! by the way, i want to show you something.. something special for me, painted this with feeling, heartfelt moldy... love....  oke, ini lebay.. hahahaha! yeaah................. Marvel Superhero!! check this out!! :D

from left : Iron Man, Captain America, Thor

yeaaah!! not really good i know... tapi ini hasilnyaa :) hehehe 
aaaarghh!!! i'm in love with SUPERHERO!!! i love Captain America, i love Green Lantern, i love Human Torch, I love Iron Man, i love Batman, aaaa!!!! i love all of them! they're amazing! ahahhaha! pengen deh punya kekuatan kayak gituuu~ gak tau kenapa aku suka banget.. mungkin banyak orang yang bilang aneh, tp yaaa this is me... keren kok!! :D

this is who i am.. nobody said you have to like me :) mad? stay mad!!!

"in brightest day, in blackest night. no evil shall escape my sight. let those who worship evil's might, beware of my power... Green lantern's Light!!!"

Friday, September 9, 2011

From Where You Are

So far away from where you are
These miles have torn us worlds apart
And I miss you, yeah I miss you

So far away from where you are
I'm standing underneath the stars
And I wish you were here

I miss the years that were erased
I miss the way the sunshine would light up your face
I miss all the little things
I never thought that they'd mean everything to me
Yeah I miss you
And I wish you were here

I feel the beating of your heart
I see the shadows of your face
Just know that wherever you are
Yeah I miss you
And I wish you were here

I miss the years that were erased
I miss the way the sunshine would light up your face
I miss all the little things
I never thought that they'd mean everything to me
Yeah I miss you
And I wish you were here

So far away from where you are
These miles have torn us worlds apart
And I miss you, yeah I miss you
And I wish you were here 

Thursday, August 25, 2011


yup! i love my life :) yeaa maybe sometimes it doesn't like what i want, but maybe we can learn from that.. uum i don't like people who do not appreciate their life. i don't even get what they're thinking about. they should be really thankful cause they have a chance to live in this world.. okay! by the way. i want to share to you guys about 5 persons that greatly inspire me.. well check this out! :)

1. Jesus Christ --> yup! my Daddy in heaven :D you know, i can't imagine my life without Him. He truly inspires me everyday to be a better person. Just think of how many peoples lives He has touched. He wasn't rich and He didn't have anything, but gave everything. If we could all be like Him the world would be a perfect place..

2. My Parents --> i love them so much! they showed me how to be a nice person, they taught me how to understand the things people do, they showed me how to love my God.. i always thank you, more than they'll would know and than i could ever show. and I love them, I'll always love them. forever and always! :D

3. Synyster Gates --> he's the best guitarist i ever know..... amazing talent, amazing looks, amazing personality :) i really want to be like him.. yeah i hope one day i can :) his fingers just.... urgh -__- i can't describe it.. :D

4. Alex Gaskarth --> well, this guy is amazing. he opened my eyes and taught me to be who i am. he taught me there's nothing wrong with being myself and not care what anyone thinks or says. “You are all fucking beautiful people…” - AG

5. Andy Six --> i love him! i love his looks, his personality and of course his sexy voice! he taught me to go for what i've been dreaming of. and to be proud to show the world when i create something, and take joy in who i am 

okaay! yeaah they're my heroes.. i love my God, my family, my parents who supported me from day one, and three wonderful man who have changed my life, who are responsible for creating the sounds in my headphones :D you can share me yours if you want hehehehe! love ya all!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Shit Happens

HUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! sediiiih bangeeeeeeeet bangeeeet bangeeeet :((((((( padahal gw udh berjuang buat beli tiketnya dan sekarang malah dibataliiiin :(( 
yup.. sesuai dengan apa yang Alex tweet, All Time Low BATAL dateng ke jakarta tanggal 6 oktober 2011... :(( penyebab nya adalah Soundwave Revolution di Australia dibatalin dan berhubung Jakarta adalah tujuan ATL selanjutnya juga jadi ikutan batal... 

bagi yang udah beli tiketnya di om Adrie Subono kita bisa refund tanggal 16, 18, 19 Agustus jam 10.00-16.00 di JAVA Musikindo, alamatnya di Plaza Mutiara suite 201, Kawasan Mega Kuningan (sebelah Hotel JW Marriot). dan juga bisa refund di rumah nya om Adrie tanggal 20 Agustus yang alamatnya di Jl. Taman Metro Alam Kav. PL 1-2, Pondok Indah..

semua pecinta All Time Low di Jakarta yang udah beli tiket udah pasti kecewa.. apalagi yang udah menang meet and greet.. sebagai sesama Hustler dan gw juga udah beli tiket dengan perjuangan bangun jam 2 pagi, jujur.. gw kecewa bangeeeet! padahal gw udah seneng gila bisa nonton tanggal 6 oktober nanti.. ternyata... gagal :( tapi ya mau gimana lagi? yang penting Alex udah janji bakal ke Jakarta.. pokoknya gw tunggu... SEMANGAAT! 


Friday, July 29, 2011

High School

Holla holla hollaaa ehehehhe saya sudah anak SMA loh! *ga penting* -__- walaupun susaaah bgt kyknya.. baru awal2 aja udah sibuk.. tp nikmati aja deeh hehehhe punya temen2 baruu juga looh :)

oke! sebelomnya gw mw cerita tentang LINTAM atoo LINTas alAM minggu lalu di Kebon Raya Bogor.. seru banget jir! disana kita jalan jauuuuuuh bangeet! sampe badan gw sakit semua pas pulang -__- kita main games banyak di sana yg udh disiapin sama kakak2 OSIS AKSEN.. jadi ada banyak pos-pos gitu.. jumlah nya ada 8 hehe. kita kelompok 11 yaitu DRAGON BALL mulai dr pos ke 6.. jadi route kita bolak balik! dari 6 ke 7 terus balik ke 1, 2, dst.. hadooh gila banget.. muka sama baju gw aja pas di pos 7 udh oren2 gt gara2 kertas crap. baru pos 7 loh! terus di pos 1 kita tiarap ditanah gt jadi bajunya kayak habis main sama badak -_- muter muteeer... beryel-yel ria.. selama perjalanan kita juga nyanyi2 biar ga kerasa capeknya. terus gw lupa tuh dipos mana gt kita suruh makan pare, daun pepaya, sama wortel~ pas makan pare sih gw gpp.. msh lumayan TAPI... pas makan yg namanya daun pepaya gw hampir nangis nelennyaaa! -__- seumur hidup gw ga bakal mau makan daun pepaya lagi jir! banyak deh pokoknya hal2 yg ga bisa dilupakan :) salah satu hr yg berharga dihidup gw.. ehehehe apalagi pas pulang kita nimpukin kakak2 osis pake baloh air! ahahahha semuanya basah kuyup deh... mantaap

intinya sih gw cuma mau cerita itu.. .__. tp yaaa sekolah jg berat -_- musti bikin diary tiap hr.. bayangin.. 1 taon.. 365 hr bikin diary -_- *lebay* ahahahah okeee see you! saya sibuk nih soalnyaa :P

Monday, July 18, 2011

Did I Do All I Could?

hmmmm... something I've been keeping locked away behind my lips..... (ga juga sih)

AAAAAA!! MOS!! you make me insane!! -__- tp seru sih.. hahahaha! kelompok saya bernama..... *jengjengjeng* Dragon Ball .__. keren kan? Kamehameha!! yup! kelompok gw diketuain oleh Michaela dan berjumlah 17 org.. ehhehe. yg dr P5 ada gw, michaela, holy, jessica, grace, ephen, jessica, brian, david, ray. kalo yg sekolah laen ada anathasia, maudy, priska, josevaldo, felix, karen, clarissa.. asik2 kok anak2nyaaa.. kakak osis pembimbing kita adalah ka adrian. seru juga bisa diajak ketawa2 :)) selama di Dragon Ball kita menghadapi banyak pencobaan bersama2 (?) aahahha untungnya kompak deh.. apa lagi pas talent show.. semua org ketawa ngakak.. gw jg sampe sakit perut gara2 holy pake wig kuning. teruuss... kita jg pernah diminus 250 point gara2 pelatihan baris berbaris.. tp gapapa yg penting seru.. banget! ahhaaha apalagi pas talent show! thanks to holy!! yeay! kita juara pertama loh :D mantep deh pokonya dragonball.. ehhehe kereen.. thank you Dragon Ball :)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

wedding.. 09 . 07 . 11

huaaaaah.. hari yg bener2 melelahkan.. -___- tidur jam 2 pagi. bangun jam 8 trs make up.. hueeh.. memuaskan hasil nya sih :D ini sedikit2 foto2 gw.. yaa walaupun gw ga secantik yg lain tp gw bersyukuur bgt :) thx God

Cie Sandra and Me :)

Me :)

Daddy, Mommy, BigBro : Kelvin, Ka Erine, Me :D

Cie Wynda, Me, Mom, Dad :D

My Family!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011



Wednesday, July 6, 2011

apartment... crazy night!

1 malam sebelum..... pesta perkawinan ko william. :P ditinggal ber tiga.. bukannya sebel malah gila2an. sambil nyanyi2 gangguin tetangga :P

Monday, July 4, 2011


fourth of july?? yup! my birthday! :)) emang kalah ramenya sama independence day of America..  but today is my day! and of course thank you so much Jesus!! because You're the one who give me breath to live in this world until now. wow! for 15 years! ahahhaa! thank you so much mom.. dad.. kalian berdua udh sabaar bgt ngebesarin aku sampe akhirnya aku bisa mandiri :* and thank you buat semua yg udh ngucapin.. i really don't have words to thank all your tenderness and good wishes :D love you all! love you, love you, love you :* i hope your best wishes for me come true.. 

thank you Ester!! jam spongebob nya lucuuu bangeeet!! sahabat gw dr TK nih meeen. ahahaha! BFF :P

thank you so much Daddy tiket All Time Low nyaa!! ehhe kita berjuang bersama melawan kantuuuk~ oo yeah!

thank you Cie Jessica! :) miniature Apple nya lucuuu sekalii :)

thank you so much cie Vera!!! this sneakers really cool!!


Sunday, July 3, 2011


perjuangan gw bangun jam 3 pagi......... terbayar dengan 1 lembar tiket konser All Time Low!!! hell yeah!! 

gw dr rumah jam 4 kurang.. nyampe sana udh ngantri banyak cuy! untung gw ditemenin my lovely daddy hihi. nunggu.. sampe jam 7 langsung dpt nomer deh. dan gw dpt nomer 64 :) karena mulai dipanggil nomer nya bwt beli tiket jam 9, gw sama daddy nunggu dimobil tidur2an. jm setengah 9 gw langsung duduk manis didepan rumahnya om Adrie Subono nunggu dipanggil. ehhehe. TENG! jm 9.. dipanggil, masuk, beli 2 tiket, DAPET poster :D, ngisi undian MEET AND GREET *semoga dapeeeet!! Amiin* pulaaaang!... tidur ahhahaha! seru juga looooh.. lega rasanya udh dapet :D alex!!! i'm coming hehehehe

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mini Me :D


Mini Me and Alex Gaskarth :D

i made this paper doll just to fill my free time...... my holiday? really boring -__- cause i got 2 and a half months with nothing to do.. pretty difficult to made but... i love it :D ahhaha! not bad laah :P

Friday, June 24, 2011

Holiday.. Kiss My Ass..

Okay :) kemaren gw diajak jalan sama koko gw bersamaa..... pacarnya. ya gw sempet mikir gw bakal jd tembok doang. ahahah tp akhirnya gw ikut krn cewenya ngajak gw pertamanya .__. so! kita memutuskan ke senayan city. kita berangkat jam 13.30 lah dari rumah. dan.. nyampe sana jaaaam 16.00. O.O wuooh macetnya tak tertahankan! krn kita udh rencana mau nonton Limitless dan filmnya mulai jam 16.00 kita langsung ke bioskopnya beli tiket terus langsung masuk deh.
seputar Limitles... gw ga suka sih film nya.. gw gak ngerti dan bagi gw ga ada apa-apanya tuh film. itu menurut gw.. ehhehe. udh menggelikan lagi. banyak darah2 nya.. serem. intinya sih gw ga suka :D lanjut.. hmm setelah nonton gw pengen nyari CD album baru nya All Time Low, Dirty Work. tapi udah sampe nyebrang ke Plaza Senayan gw ga dapeet :(( katanya abis lah, belom masuk lah.. hueeeh sedih.. ahahaha tp kesedihan gw dibayar sama TRANSFORMER!! di Senayan City ada event tentang Transformer, Dark Of The Moon. waa ada Bumblebee gedeeee setinggi hampir 2 lantai. trs ada mobil aslinya jg yaituu Chevy Camaro wrn kuning.. wuanjeer keren :D yaa karna gw suka sama Tranformer ya pasti gw bilang keren. ahha trs disana ga cuma ada Bumblebee. ada 2 lagi yang gw liat. keren2 deh. kalo punya adek cowo pasti seneng bgt. karena kita udh di sebrang nya Senayan City jadi kita makan di.. Seven Eleven :) gw makan fettucini dan minum slurpee :) hehehe setelah makan kita pulaaaang nganterin pacarnya koko gw dulu dan sampe rumah jam 22.00 lebih.. menyenangkan? lumayan :) cuma filmnya aja yg jelek :P ahahha

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I Can't Let You Go.....

dear, Sparky..

one more laugh, one more smile.
that's all i need, even in my dream.
i want to share the air I breathe with you once again.
i want you to hug me and kiss me one more time.
don't you ever think that i'll never forget what you said..

you promised me to always lift me up
when i'm feeling down.
you promised me to wipe my tears
when i feel i need to cry.
you promised to keep me smiling
to show everyone the beautiful smile i have.
you promised me to be my voice,
when i can't find the words.
you promised me to be my strength
whenever i fall weak.
you promised me to be my eyes
when i cannot see.
you promised to listen
when i need to talk.
you promised me to be my ears 
when i cannot hear.
you promised to tell me no lies
when i want to know the truth.
you promised me to always lend me your shoulder
when i need to cry.
you promised to always hold me
when i need someone.
you promised me to always cheer me up
when i'm down and blue.
wherever i am, you promised me to always be there for me.
you promised to never hurt me and never break my heart.

as i sit here, i think about how bad my heart hurts, 
and how it seems to be getting worse each day.
and i want you to know when you're not around
it's like a piece of me is missing.

i just wanna spend the rest of my life with you by my side forever and ever.
i still can't let you go and then i realize this pain will never go away. 
please.. don't leave me this way,
cause I just can't say goodbye


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Dinner With Alex Gaskarth?!

yesterday night i said to myself that i really, REALLY want to have a dinner with alex gaskarth :)) you know. for me that must be really A.M.A.Z.I.N.G to have a dinner with that cute, cool and talented guy who have really amazing voice :P hahaaha!

i didn't notice that my dad paid attention at me. and then he said "you want that? hahaha. mich if i can call him and ask him to have a dinner with you, i must already do that for you. i will pay the bill, for foods, place, and anything he want. 2 million? 5 million?? it's okay! if he want to hug you, kiss you and sing for you :P"

that words made me wanna jump! and I was like “O.O I’ve got the best dad on earth!!!” hahahaha!! i wish he can call him now -__- but it's okay! so yeah.. I love you dad :) thank you!
 i want to have a dinner with you too btw .__.

<--- me and my dad  :D 


Oh my God! my beloved band that had come to Indonesia last year has confirmed their show in tennis indoor senayan, Jakarta again this year! They’ll come to my country on 6th October 2011. we can buy their presale tickets on 3 July 2011. nice! :D