Supernatural? yep! this is my favorite TV Series! Trust me this movie just... AWESOME!
Well, this television drama is about two brothers -> Sam and Dean Winchester who were raised by their father, John, who hunt and kill all things that go "bump in the night" after his wife, Mary, was murdered by something 'supernaturally' evil when the boys were young. 22 years later, the Winchester brothers set out on a journey, fighting evil along the way, to find their missing father. When they finally meet up, they find out what killed their mother. a demon. The brothers and John try to kill the Yellow-eyed demon who killed their mother.
Of course gw ga bisa nyeritain semuanya. Supernatural ini sekarang udah sampai Season ke 7. Jadi ceritanya udah panjang banget. tapi menurut gw ga ada satu episode pun yang jelek. semuanya bagus, punya kejutan-kejutan tersendiri yang selalu bikin deg-degan pastinyaa. Dari judulnya pasti kita udah tau filmnya kayak gimana. Genre nya mystery, horror, thriller. tapi gak begitu serem-serem banget kok. Seru banget malah. Soalnya mereka punya jalan cerita. Hmm lumayan banyak juga episode-episode yang bikin gw mau nangis.. Mulai dari cuma mau tau siapa yang ngebunuh mama mereka sampai-sampai semua kehidupan mereka semua berubah. Film ini highly recommended banget buat kalian semua. Buat para wanita, Sam sama Dean itu really easy on the eyes. Salah satu alasan gw kenapa suka banget sama Supernatural adalah.. gw jatuh cinta sama Jansen Ackles. Yep, pemerannya Dean Winchester. Scary just got sexy huh? aahaha! Anyway, listen to me.....
Try to watch
Trust me
It's cool
Get ready to be amazed
"An Enemy that will stop at nothing..
A Family that will risk everything"