HEY! i come back!! hahahaha! sorry, i've been really busy these days.. too many exams and another shi*. ehem! by the way, i want to show you something.. something special for me, painted this with feeling, heartfelt moldy... love.... oke, ini lebay.. hahahaha! yeaah................. Marvel Superhero!! check this out!! :D
from left : Iron Man, Captain America, Thor
yeaaah!! not really good i know... tapi ini hasilnyaa :) hehehe
aaaarghh!!! i'm in love with SUPERHERO!!! i love Captain America, i love Green Lantern, i love Human Torch, I love Iron Man, i love Batman, aaaa!!!! i love all of them! they're amazing! ahahhaha! pengen deh punya kekuatan kayak gituuu~ gak tau kenapa aku suka banget.. mungkin banyak orang yang bilang aneh, tp yaaa this is me... keren kok!! :D
this is who i am.. nobody said you have to like me :) mad? stay mad!!!
"in brightest day, in blackest night. no evil shall escape my sight. let those who worship evil's might, beware of my power... Green lantern's Light!!!"